
Get in Touch With Us: 352-392-8396 | new-students@ufl.edu

First Year Florida

Launching New Gators

First Year Florida Instructors make the engine go. First Year Florida is taught by faculty, staff, and administrators at the University of Florida who are committed to first-year student success. A First Year Florida Instructor is a University of Florida employee that is committed to first-year student success and persistence. Instructors serve as educators, resources, and representatives of UF. Instructors will work very closely with their undergraduate peer leader to create dynamic learning opportunities for their students.

What is First Year Florida?

First Year Florida is a course designed to aid students in a successful transition to the University of Florida. This course aims to help students develop a foundation for a well-rounded college experience, connect students to the University of Florida, promote engagement within and outside the classroom, and communicate university expectations.

Why Become an Instructor?

Click the boxes below to learn more about the FYF Instructor experience, requirements, responsibilities, and benefits.